Full membership is granted to all licensed tourist guides with Croatian citizenship who have passed the general and special part of the tourist guide exam for Zagreb and the Zagreb County.
Affiliate membership can be granted to all natural and legal persons, regardless of their citizenship, who work in tourism or similar fields or are in any other way interested in furthering the Organization's activities.

The Organization is run by the President, the Vice-President, the Management and the Supervisory Board. All members are encouraged to active participation in Assembly activities and personal contribution to projects and Organization activities if possible, by promoting Organization's name and activities.
*The members have to abide by the Organization's Code of Conduct which defines the duties of members to provide guiding services to their clients according to highest professional standards and contribute to objective presentation and understanding of destination.
*Organization's members have to make sure that facts they present during their tour are objective, true and accurate, their presentation should be unbiased and should clearly mark the difference between facts, myths, legends and subjective accounts.
*In order to protect the reputation of tourism in our country, our members have to make sure that during their tours visitors/guests respect the environment, animals, sights and monuments as well as local customs and cultural characteristics.
*All members have the duty to treat ex and current clients, colleagues and the public fairly.
*Organization members can freely present their services to potential clients providing they do not demand from the client to breach the existing contract with another Organization member.
*Organization members will not participate in any activities detrimental to Organization's reputation and its members’ interests.
If you love working with people, you are fun and outgoing, you like walking around the city and at the same time learning new things, than this is the right profession for you!
In order to become a guide, you must meet some formal requirements:
- you have to be Croatian citizen
- be active on the labour market
- have at least a high-school degree
- be fluent in at least one foreign language
The tourist guide licensing exam consists of the general and the special part.
The general part covers subjects such as Political System of the Republic of Croatia, Economy of the Republic of Croatia, Tourism Basics and Introduction into the Tourism Business, Basics of Croatian Legislation, Croatian History, Tourism Geography of Croatia, Cultural and Historical Sights and other Croatian Sights, Culture of Speaking and Writing, Foreign Language (just test), Operational and Technical Characteristics of Tourist Guiding.
The special part consists of lectures regarding the county of interest.
The licensing exam is taken before a Committee at a higher education institution with the right to hold tourist guide exams granted by the Minister of Tourism.
Laws and regulations defining the profession of tourist guides can be found on the web site of the Ministry of Tourism.